Saturday, May 1, 2010

The importance of grounding

When the acorn sprouts, one of the first things it does is to put down roots. As the young oak grows to maturity, the roots spread and dig deeper into the earth to support the weight and life of the tree. In this way, it stays grounded, facing wind, flood and storm without falling. It takes a lot to fell a fully established oak tree. Not even lighting can guarantee success, and if it is cut with a chainsaw, sometimes it will grow again, a new tree fed and supported by an established root system. Only if the roots are destroyed, will the tree be truly killed. Without the roots, it cannot live and thrive.

Ever try to jump floating in the middle of a pool? You can't do it beyond a pathetic little bob in the water. Why is that? Have you ever wondered? It's because your legs have no purchase. Without being able to push off from the ground, you get nowhere. Like the oak tree, you need a firm foundation on which to stand before you even hope to reach for the sky.

Grounding. It's a word we hear a lot when dealing with crystals. The importance of grounding. How to ground. Why, whatfor and wherefor? And yet, so few people seem to understand the importance, method and feel of being grounded; even fewer actually engage in it. Why is that? Why is it that most expensive crystals out there, described as powerful, spiritually advanced and enlightening, are also somehow associated with upper chakras and shooting off to never-never land? While the humble hematite remains affordable and forgotten?

There is such a thing as a crystal high. I once said, "Who needs drugs when we have moldavite?" I was joking, but there is a certain amount of truth to that. Who does need drugs when they have moldavite? If all you are looking for is that high, you don't need to go further then that. If you want more? Well, then, it's a little more complicated.

Everybody wants the high. Everybody wants to go flying in the astral, speak with their guides, seek the Masters, leave the Earth and never come back. Everybody might as well be fluff floating in the wind. Their deluding themselves that they are reaching spiritual growth or they get frustrated with a lack of progress. It's too hard! This doesn't work! It's all smoke and mirrors, scams and pixie dust!

They haven't grounded.

You can't take off and fly without having something to push off from. You can't truly achieve the astral, etc without first reaching down deep into the Earth and establishing a strong connection. Indeed, you're playing with fire if you don't. You might find yourself stuck somewhere without the ability to come back and I suspect, this is why it is a lot harder and less comprehensive to attempt anything with crystals without first grounding yourself. I believe there is a kind of safety net involved. Oh, you might get a taste, you might even be allowed some success without grounding -- it would be a good way to encourage what you are doing -- but you'll never truly achieve full success until you learn to plant yourself first. Like the oak tree whose roots stretch deep into our Mother.

Like the crystals that form deep within Her heart. What? Did you think the pretty rocks were born in the clouds?


  1. You make an excellent point re: grounding.

  2. Thank you, Annie. It's not always clear to me if I've managed to get a concept across when I write about it.

  3. I really enjoyed this post, thank you!
