Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Rose Quartz in the Garden (pt.2): Conclusion

It all started with a magnolia petal.

As I mentioned before, I have down times on my spiritual path when I put such things aside and develop other interests. This last one had gone on for a long time -- at least two years -- while I tried to cope with a debilitating physical condition that I felt, but had no idea that I had. Back in February, 2010, I was finally diagnosed with fibromyalgia. How that came about is a long story but suffice it say, I got sick and tired of being sick and tired, took a Vicodin left over from a bout with ear problems, and discovered how I felt everyday was not normal. Disturbed at the thought of getting relief from addictive narcotics, I finally bit the bullet and went to the doctor. I'm now on enough medication, the number of which makes me feel like I'm 350,000 thousand years old, to feel like my old self. The worst part of it all was the enervation and lack of concentration; I could deal with the pain, but the energy and the feeling of being brain dead was horrific to endure. Someday, perhaps, I will be able to manage my fibro without medication. For the moment, I'm having too much fun living again to even consider addressing that issue.

I had the opportunity to attend to what I will call a "retreat" in the middle of April. I thought long and hard about this as getting the energy up to do anything before my diagnosis was difficult, but in the end, feeling better, I decided to go. I wont go into detail -- I'm not qualified to discuss it, nor do I have permission and out of respect for what happened and the people who were there, I won't discuss it -- suffice it to say, ceremony was involved. It was...phenomenal. That's all I can say. A true blessing and a honor to attend. I was worked on while I was there, given messages that I can hardly articulate and received healing, the extent of which I can't even begin to comprehend at the moment. Like everything else in life, that too is a process.

The ceremony was on a Friday. The following Saturday, I arrived home, and as I was unlocking my front door, a flash of pink caught my eye. I glanced over and thought, "What a lovely piece of rose quartz!" Then my thoughts came to a screeching halt: rose quartz? What rose quartz? There's no rose quartz in the garden! A second look informed me that what I had seen was a single magnolia petal that had fallen among the leaves of yellow flowering plant. The contrast of pink blush with bright Spring green and buttercup yellow with the dark browns and chocolates of the soil was so beautiful, I couldn't get it out of my mind. No rose quartz in the garden? And why ever not? What could be better then having love surround my house?

After that, there was no going back. I became obsessed with getting rose quartz to put in the few landscaped beds that I have. All of them are close to my house. Filled with herbs and flowers, shrubs and evergreens, I envisioned a scattering of rose quartz flashing in the sun from beneath green leaves. Surrounding my house with rose quartz energy. Fusing with the vortex my house has become with all the rocks it contains. Going out into a world that badly needs love at the moment. I chose to interpret this "obsession" as being directed to do this. One of the things I had asked at the ceremony was what to do with the light I keep seeing in my mind's eye. It was obvious that it was not just meant for me; to keep it would be the height of greed and selfishness.

I think I got my answer. Or at least part of it. Rose quartz in the garden.

The following Monday was the day I discovered that this negative creature from my past was attempting to re-enter my life. It was raining that day, I remember. Not a heavy rain, but a kind of drizzle mixed with an occassional shower that made it questionable whether or not I should go to the barn and visit my horse. The rain was not hard enough to prevent turn out, and if they came in wet, there was very little we could do with them. I went to Connecticut anyway, hooked up with my sister, Unchi, and discussed the weather situation and what we could do if the horses were out. I told her the story about the rose quartz, and said that if the horses were wet, that I'd like to go to Mother Earth, a crystal store in Brookfield. Unchi agreed.

How ironic that we made those plans! Of all the places to retreat to in a time a stress, Mother Earth could not be more perfect! It was at the barn where both of us received the shock of our lives, that this creature was coming into our place of peace and tranquility. The horses were wet, of course, and off we went to commune with stones, check out Azeztulite, and perhaps find a bit of balance.

We checked out the Azeztulite, and found that in spite of our doubts, it may be what it is claimed to be. Unchi got claimed by a hematite speckled tibetan quartz. I decided that I needed to investigate this Azeztulite matter a little more closely, and aquired a piece along with a another trademarked stone called Rosophia. As for the rose quartz -- I did not find the chunks I was looking for. I needed to find pieces that were roughly 2-3", and Leslie had very few pieces that large. Strange, that. Chunk rose quartz is not uncommon or expensive, and yet, it's proving more difficult to locate then I expected.

Now here is the interesting part: When I told Leslie what I was going to use it for, she mentioned another customer had come in for the same reason. In a later visit, she told me several people had come in looking for garden quartz. Another friend of mine mentioned she had the urge to put it in her plants after I told her about it; this was spontaneous on her part. She did not get the idea from me. An aquaintance was also intrigued by the idea. In another words, the urge to put Rose Quartz in the garden has suddenly hit a diverse number of people around the same time and independantly of each other! Coincidence? I don't believe in coincidence. I do believe that the ways of the Universe can be very, very subtle.

On hearing this story play out, Unchi said, "The Earth is asking for Love."

Asking for love? Using her own bones to give it to her? It seemed odd to me, but I figured out. It's not the rose quartz acting on the Earth that is important, but how it acts on the people who see it. That is why it's critical they stay on the surface, that they are large enough not to sink into the ground when it rains. People have to see it, respond to it and because it contains love energy, it is the response to that energy that the Earth needs. Love. From people. From Rose Quartz sitting in the garden among flowers, shrubs and trees. Sanctuaries of light, of love, scattered here and there, sending that energy into the Earth and healing her broken heart. Think about it. Do it.

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