Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I am not a healer. I do not claim to be a healer, nor do I have any desire to be one. I do not regard myself as qualified to heal people.

Am I an expert? Hardly. I'm just an ordinary woman trying to find her way through life like anyone else. What I say here is what works for me, take from it what you will. I believe that, ultimately, we are each of us responsible for our own path. What works for some, does not always work for all, and that is true of anybody's teachings or opinions, including those of the guru and the so-called "expert". No one's truth works better then anyone else's. I often use the imagery of a road sign: think of me of just another road sign, pointing you in a direction that might work for you. The important thing is that you get there, not the how, where or when. I believe what I have to say may help you, but that doesn't mean that I'm always right.

Perhaps the hardest thing to accept in any life path is that the responsibility for our lives and our growth is our own. Especially in Western culture, where we are indoctrinated from birth not to trust ourselves, our own observations, experience and intuition. We are trained to fight against independent thought and let "experts' do our thinking for us. Why is that, have you ever wondered? I think it is because it makes us more easily manipulated and exploited; it makes stealing our power a simple thing. What is important is not how we get to our goal, but that we get there with our power and our sense of self intact. Claim your power. Walk your talk. Do not let others manipulate you into handing them control of your life. They don't have all the answers, no one does, least of all myself.

So what do I do?

I think a lot. I like thinking. I like figuring things out and seeing what drives me and other people. I observe. It's amazing what you can learn if you just shut up and watch what's going around you. Sometimes what I think about is simple, and at other times, it's so profound I believe it's beyond capability of the human brain to conceptualize. The nature of time, what exactly is Spirit -- the kind of thing that I can only take in small doses because, quite frankly, it makes my head hurt. That is how I have come to accept the reality of Mystery. There are some things that we are simply not meant to know, and that is okay. Is that faith? Perhaps, but I think it's more then that. Faith is a rather simplistic concept of the deep seating knowing we all have in our bones; it doesn't reside in the head, but in the heart, and it is a birthright that is least understood. There are not many people who have "faith", much less understand what it is or so I think. Their actions often belie their words.

What to I do with the crystals?

I meditate with them. I use them in grids, directed more at the Earth then at people. If I am a healer, I am a healer of the land. I don't know enough to understand the ills of human beings, but sometimes the Earth whispers to me, the energies trigger my nerves and slide up my bones, and instinct tells me what stone needs to go where for whatever reason. Half the time, I don't even know why and I don't need to know, but still struggle everyday with the Western idea of having to know instead of just acting out of trust. Balance, grounding and trust -- my personal Triumvirate.

There is also something called a stone-finder. What is that? To put it simply, it's the ability to find precisely the right kind of stone for a specific reason at the precise moment it is needed. Stones call to me and sometimes they tell me that the need to go to this person RIGHT NOW, thank you very much. This can become an expensive proposition because often, if the person cannot afford a stone, I'm expected to provide it. I don't mind doing this though it's not something I do for everybody. Instinct tells me that stone-finding has a limited application as it's based on personal relationships and friendships more then a job working with the general population. Most crystal workers have the potential for a stone-finder in their lives if they are in balance and not drive by Ego. The kind of worker that is of no interest of people like Robert Simmons because because they are not driven by money and therefore, have none. In another words, exactly the kind of worker you want to do a healing on you. It's the Universe's way of ensuring that those who need the stones most get the stones they need. I am sure I'm not the only stone-finder out there, but I don't doubt I'm one of the few who recognize what it is.

I have bought crystals for others, I've loaned them out. There are some in my collection that do not regard as strictly mine, that I am merely their keeper until I find the person they need to go to. In the meantime, they sit in my house, looking pretty and doing some pretty radical things to the local energy flows. I actually like stone-finding. Hell, I love it but I keep reminding the Universe that while I do not mind doing it, I have to have the means to do it. No, I'm not asking for money. Merely reminding the Universe of economic realities, the concept of which it has little understanding. As long as I can pay my bills, I am happy.

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