Isn't that special?
Something tells me that Golden Azeztulite doesn't want its picture taken. Yes, there is a Golden Azeztulite in there or should I say, purportedly a Golden Azeztulite. It has some gold coloring...ff you squint a little...and maybe cock your head to the right. Golden or not, it is an Azeztulite. That's what the guy said anyway, and it certainly doesn't feel like an ordinary quartz.
Now, I could blame Golden Azeztulite until I'm blue in the face and hallucinating sparkly rainbow unicorns, but the truth is, it isn't the only stone that does it. Just tried to take a picture of a laser wand outside and it did the same thing. Either my crystals don't like this camera or my camera doesn't like these crystals unless they are inside and looking their worst.
Here, let me introduce you to Golden Azeztulite:

Everybody say Hi! He's a cheerful stone, likes people, long walks in the park, dislikes haters and is a Capricorn.
Just kidding.
Now, look at these puppies.

Yes, they are laser wands. Very big laser wands. First, is the Monster, who is approx. 16-20 inches long. As you might be able to see, he's had an accident in the past and had to be repaired, but it doesn't seem to affect him any.

Second is the smaller laser wand, and when I say smaller, I mean it in relative terms as she is about 12-14" long. Together, they are quite the pair, aren't they?
I got these laser wands a number of years ago when I was working on gathering together stones for an earth healing grid involving Golden healers, lasers and black tourmaline. Unfortunately, I never got a chance to set up the grid because I can't get another pair of laser wands like these two. Is it any wonder? I was lucky to find these! If I were to find them today, they would probably be way out of my price range. I was lucky. Hopefully, the Universe will give me a solution to this conundrum.
I wanted to show these laser wands because I've been thinking about this woman I saw at the show where I picked them up. Remember what I was saying about grounding and balance? This woman, poor soul, was the perfect example of someone who was anything but grounded and balanced.
I saw her when I was going into the building, a woman dressed in white from head to toe. What caught my attention was the almost two pounds of crystals she had woven in her hair with copper wire. I kid you not! She must've had a dozen stones in there at least, and they were not tiny stones. Laser wands about 2" long, herkimers, amethyst, possibly even some tourmalines and moldavites -- my memory is vague at this point. Thing is, not a single one of them was a stone that would work any energy center below the heart. Hell, I don't think she even went down that far! If there was a throat stone, I'd be surprised because I seem to remember they were all third eye and crown chakra crystals. In another words, this was a soul that didn't want to be here. At all. She wanted to live up in the astral and beyond, dance with the fairies and never come down again. At least, that was the impression she gave me.
Sad. Really sad. I wanted to tell her that she needed to ground herself. That she needed to take those rocks out of her hair, and look at why she didn't want to be here. That she needed to find her center, her balance and she certainly wasn't going to do that off in Never Never Land. Whatever it was that made her want to permanently leave the Earth was not going to be worked out or resolved until she found that center and looked at it with a clear eye. Distracting oneself with the high only serves to keep us stuck wherever that might be. It might feel good, even exciting, but we are all here for a purpose, we all chose to be here and we all have a job to do. While I can understand trying to escape -- hell, I've told the universe after this lifetime, I want a vacation! -- it ultimately serves no purpose but to prolong the pain. Avoidance never works, and judging from this woman's outfit, she had a become an professional at it. It was almost tragic.
I encountered her directly when I was first handling these laser wands. I had them in my hands, was talking with the dealer when I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around and there she was. "Will you adopt me?" she pleaded, and I laughed as if it was a joke. Maybe it was. Maybe I shouldn't have laughed. Maybe that was my opportunity to tell her to take those stones out of hair, and be in her body for a change. To get herself some hematite shoes, for cripe's sake. I didn't. Probably because I was startled. I had these two huge laser wands in my hands, strong enough to cut someone in half and I was only grateful that I'm not the sort to strike first and ask questions later. Besides which, I didn't need someone who was that...lost...in my life at the moment. I never answered her and now I'm wondering if maybe I should have.
Poor soul. I hope that whatever it was, she worked it out.
I remember going to a sort of mind-body-spirit show on the Gold Coast when I was living in the Queensland hinterland. It was an absolute disaster - held in a huge ballroom, few people turned up, no structure, speakers rambled for ours and I got well and truly pissed off. Then my friend did an Auralight reading for one of the organisers (it's where you pick out various bottles with duo-colours in them to show what's going on in your life). Not one red, orange or yellow in the bottles, all various shades of blue and violet. As my friend commented, she wasn't grounded in any way so no wonder the evening turned out shambolic. On the plus side, my friends persuaded me to get my face painted and it was a truly spiritual activity. It calmed me down and I was so enchanted, I couldnt' bear to wipe the paint off when I got home after midnight. So the next morning, I rolled over to face my husband, complete with paint, and he just stared at my face and said, with no expression ion his face "I don't even WANT to know where you go that done!". lolol. And he finds the purple hair even more disconcerting, raoflmao.
ReplyDeleteForgot - love those laser wands. Just keep 'em locked up in case I'm in the neighbourhood casing your joint!!!
ReplyDeleteYou'd be sadly disappointed. They're out on loan right now. Tht being said, I can't blame you, they are rather spectacular and very good at cleaning out the garbage clinging to one's aura. I think they'll be working very hard in the next few weeks.
ReplyDeleteWhat is it about grounding? I don't undertand why people don't seem to want to do it. Well, maybe I do and maybe I don't. Have to say it's a bit of a pet peeve of mine though, I come across it so often.